Introduction of two obsolete children:

Recently retired (in 2021 & 2022 respectively), one old friend bought the second old friend a copy of Dr. Seuss's You're Only Old Once! A Book for Obsolete Children found in an antique shop.  Those friends are borrowing the phrase and becoming obsolete children.  Join them for tales of life, travels and adventures.

February 2023

Deb and I have been friends since we were actual children, and now we are both retired, so you can probably do the math.  When I say children, I mean college freshman who met on the third floor of a dorm on Lipscomb's campus.  We have been through a lot of life's ups and downs, more than we could probably count (or even want to count), including weddings, funerals, divorce, 5 and a half children (more about this half late - don't be sad, it is a happy story), financial hardships, health issues, and so much more and we both pursued careers and jobs and raising families.  We have lived near each other for only a few of those years, with Deb doing most of the moving - Alabama, Washington state, Florida, South Carolina, Illinois, and back to Tennessee.  I've lived mostly in my home state of Kentucky and in Tennessee.  (Doesn't mean no contact- my residence was a vacation destination and work "hotel", often, for Deb and children - we kept in contact.)

We have a lot in common, including a love of reading and needle crafts, although Deb is much more talented than I am in the craft and sewing arena.  We both have a love of learning and interest in the world around us.  Also I should mention penguins.  We have both loved penguins as long as we can remember and have vast penguin paraphernalia, and try to find each other unique and interesting penguin items each year for gifts.  We are the kind of friends that don't mind what state our homes are in when we visit and have always been there for each other.

A few years ago we took a girls' trip with my two daughters, Deb's daughter and granddaughter (that half child).  We had a great time and said, "Why haven't we done this before?"  Busyness (Deb calls it life) intervened, but after I retired in 2021, we started taking short trips to nearby spots we wanted to visit (Deb continued another year and a half in an intense, stressful public service area job that precluded much time off).  Now that Deb has retired, we are getting serious about out adventure planning.

March 2023

Nancy and I are beginning this blog to share with family members and friends but to also remember the travels and adventures ourselves.  Memory can begin to be a fickle thing - obsolete children may need to have reminders posted for themselves.

Come along for the ride and join us for the laughs.